Are you paying attention?

Are you paying attention?

Of course you are. Your attention is always somewhere, it just might not be here. A more relevant question therefore, would be, where is your attention? Knowing the answer to this is key to effectively managing your attention. Once you know where it is, you can then...
How to end your procrastination.

How to end your procrastination.

“All procrastination is delay, but not all delay is procrastination”. Tim Pychyl I’m aiming to keep this brief so I don’t keep you away too long from the task you should be doing. What we need to do to end procrastination is, of course, just get started. However, if...
DEAR Boundaries

DEAR Boundaries

Over the last few months, the topic of boundaries has come up a lot in my coaching sessions and workshops. So much so that I decided to set aside some time to delve deeper into the subject and see what others were saying. In this article I share what I have learnt. I...